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Caminul tau din Nord! Vila P+1+M, cu piscina si 1100mp teren

Bucuresti, Pipera

ID: AC5482 751 Comision: 3%
Aceasta proprietate a fost deja retrasa !Pentru oferte similare contactati agentul
Reprezentare exclusiva vandut
  • ID:AC5482
  • Nr. camere:6
  • Nr. dormitoare:4
  • S. utila:420.00 mp
  • S. utila totala:460.00 mp
  • S. construita:483.00 mp
  • S. teren:1100.00 mp
  • Nr. bucatarii:1
  • Nr. bai:4
  • Nr. balcoane:4
  • Nr. parcari:4
  • Nr. garaje:1
  • Front stradal:65.00 m
  • Nr. fronturi:1
  • An constructie:2008
  • An renovare:2008
  • Structura rezistenta:Beton
  • Regim inaltime:P+1+M
  • Orientare:Est-Vest
  • Utilitati generale: Curent, Apa, Canalizare, Gaz, Put, CATV, Telefon, Acces internet, Fibra optica, Sistem irigatie
  • Sistem incalzire: Centrala proprie
  • Climatizare: Aer conditionat
  • Pereti: Vopsea lavabila, Faianta
  • Podele: Parchet, Gresie, Marmura
  • Stare: Finisat
  • Ferestre: PVC
  • Usa intrare: Metal
  • Bucatarie: Mobilata, Utilata
  • Contorizare: Contor caldura, Contor gaz
  • Mobilat: Lux
  • Imobil: Interfon, Sauna, Curte, Gradina, Piscina exterioara, Uscatorie

Salutare! Si bun venit in Pipera!

In randurile de mai jos, am deosebita placere sa te invit sa descoperi alaturi de mine, caminul tau calduros pe care il cautai de atata timp. Un proiect unic, amplasat intr-o zona premium, avand TOTUL la indemana.

Pozitionata stradal pe Bld. Pipera, la 250 metri de intersectia cu Iancu Nicolae, intr-un cartier privat, se regaseste viitoarea ta casa! Locul unde-ti vei petrece timpul alaturi de familie si prieteni, locul unde te vei balaci la orice ora in zilele calduroase de vara, unde copiii tai pot alerga nestingheriti prin generoasa curte, locul unde te vei simti acasa, zi, dupa zi, dupa zi...

Zona este excelent deservita de institutii de invatamant, printre care putem enumera British School of Bucharest, Scoala Americana, Olga Gudynn International School, Mark Twain International School Junior Campus, Questfield School, Little London International Academy, toate la doar cateva minute distanta, pentru cumparaturile de zi cu zi, supermarketurile Billa, Lidl, Carrefour, Mega Image iti sunt aproape, iar pentru impatimitii de shopping, Baneasa Shopping City si Promenada Mall, si Jolie Ville Shopping Centre sunt la cateva minute cu masina.
Proprietatea, un proiect unic, gandit de proprietar, compartimentat si aranjat ca sa-i serveasca toate nevoile, te invita cu caldura sa-i treci pragul. De cum intri, ai senzatia de liniste si pace sufleteasca. Un imobil bine compartimentat, gandit pentru o familie cu doi/trei copii, pregatit sa satisfaca dorintele celui mai pretentios cumpartor. Spatiile vitrate sunt generoase, lumina abunda in fiecare colt al casei, iar amenajarile in tonuri de culoare calda te fac sa te relaxezi si sa scapi de stresul cotidian.
Pentru amenajarea acestei case, au fost folosite doar materiale premium, drept dovada, de la constructia acesteia pana in prezent, s-au mentinut impecabil. Parchetul de cires si maslin ( bucatarie), marmura de pe terase,holuri, scari si glafuri, gresia si faianta din bai, sunt doar cateva din atuurile acestui frumos camin.
Curtea in suprafata de 1100 mp, din care libera, aproximativ 940 mp, are un front stradal de 65 metri liniari la drumul de acces si este impartita in doua parcele, una de cca 40 mp cu iesire direct din bucatarie, unde regasim un foisor din lemn, ideal sa-ti servesti cafeaua in diminetile de vara, iar cealalta de cca 900 mp, cu acces din living, unde gasim terasa, piscina, locul pentru gratar si un alt foisor, toate, perfecte pentru petrecerile in aer liber, alaturi de prieteni si familie.
Casa beneficiaza de 3 locuri de parcare exterioare si unul in garaj incalzit atasat casei. Incalzirea este facuta prin doua centrale termice si calorifere de aluminiu, racirea prin unitati de aer conditionat ( 7 la numar, cate una in fieare camera), iar instalatiile electrice si sanitare sunt integral din cupru.
Proprietatea se vinde mobilata si utilata cum o vedeti in fotografii, iar eliberarea acesteia se poate realiza in mai putin de o luna.

Pipera Tunari, Iancu Nicolae, WorldClass Atlantis, Jollie Ville Shopping Centre, Baneasa Shopping Mall, Promenada Mall, IKEA, Metro, Billa, Lidl, Carrefour, Gradina Zoologica, Padurea Baneasa, Aviatiei, Floreasca, Nordului, Herastrau, Autostrada A3, Aeroportul Henri Coanda ( Otopeni ) etc.

Despre casa, ar mai fi multe de zis, dar cel mai bine o descoperi chiar tu!
Pentru a te convinge de calitatea si nivelul proprietatii, te astept cu un telefon pentru a stabili o vizionare!

Tot ce te desparte de viitorul tau camin, este un telefon! Te astept cu drag!

P.S. Daca esti coleg de bransa si ai un client pentru aceasta proprietate, te astept cu un telefon sa colaboram.

Hello! And welcome to Pipera!

In the following lines, I have the great pleasure to invite you to discover with me the home that you have been looking for for so long. A unique project, located in a premium area, with everything at your fingertips.

Located on the Pipera Bld., 250 meters from the intersection with Iancu Nicolae, in a private neighborhood, you will find your future house! The place where you will spend time with your family and friends, where you will be swimming at any time on hot summer days, where your children can run unspoiled through the generous courtyard, where you will feel at home, day after day after day...

The area is excellently served by educational institutions, including the British School of Bucharest, the American School, the Olga Gudynn International School, the Mark Twain International School Junior Campus, the Questfield School, Little London International Academy, all just a few minutes away, groceries shopping are available with many shopping centers such as Billa, Lidl, Carrefour, Mega Image and other supermarkets, and for shopping lovers, Baneasa Shopping City and Promenada Mall are at a few minutes by car.

The property, a unique project, thought by the owner, divided and arranged to serve all its needs, invites you warmly to pass the threshold. As you enter, you have the feeling of tranquility and peace of mind. A well-divided building, thought for a family with two / three children, ready to satisfy the desires of the most demanding buyer. The glazed spaces are generous, the light abounds in every corner of the house, and the arrangements in warm color tones makes you calm and relieve you of your daily stress and routine.
For the arrangement of this house, there were used only premium materials, as proof, from its construction to the present, they've been kept impeccable. The cherry and olive floors (kitchen), the marble on the terraces, the hallways, the stairs and the window sills, the tiles in the bathrooms, are just a few of the advantages of this beautiful home.
The courtyard, with an area of ​​1100 sqm, of which approximately free 940 sqm, has a 65-meter street front at the access road and is divided into two plots, one about 40 sqm with direct exit from the kitchen, where we find a wood foyer, ideal to serve your coffee in the mornings and the other 900 sqm, with access from the living room, where we find the pool, the barbecue and another wood foyer, all perfect for outdoor parties, with friends and family.
The house benefits from 3 outdoor parking spaces and one in the heated garage attached to the house. The heating is done by two central heatings, cooling by air conditioning units (7 units, one in each room) and the electrical and sanitary installations are made of copper.

 The property is sold furnished and equipped as you see it in photos, and its release can be done in less than a month.

Surrounding neighbours:
Pipera-Tunari, Iancu Nicolae, WorldClass Atlantis, Jolie Ville Shopping Center, Baneasa Shopping Mall, Promenada Mall, IKEA, Metro, Billa, Lidl, Carrefour, Zoological Garden, Baneasa Forest, Aviatiei, Floreasca, Nordului, Herastrau, Coanda (Otopeni), etc.

About the house, I can talk non-stop, but it's better that you see with your own eyes!
To convince you of the quality and the level of quality, I'm waiting for you with a phone to schedule a viewing!.

Everything that separates you from your future home is a phone call! I eagerly wait for you!

P.S. If you are a business partner and you have a client for this property, I'm waiting for your call to collaborate in the sale.